Benefits Of Developing And Maintaining High Standards Of Heath & Safety
Benefits Of Developing And Maintaining High Standards Of Heath & Safety
Organizations and individual have to manager health and safety standards for various reasons to save lives of workers, meet the social expectations, see it as merely right to do so, gave cost, meet international expectation of ensuring safe environment for all workers.
Below are some of the benefits that Notorious National savage will derive as a result of maintaining a hash standard of health and safety.
- Moral Expectation will be met. This is because it is the right thing to do. Alam people are killed and injured by their work and this unacceptable because it is expected that people are safe while at work.
- Accidents and ill-Leith affects the financial status of any organization. Notorious National Savage will save financial cost from the scenery “NNG has recorded many accidents and many near misses “Forklift makes hit roller shutter doors, warehouse shelves and even customer’s vehicles.
It will help save the lost of first aid treatment, worker sick pay, repair or replacement of damage equipment tires and compensations from the scenery: the injured worker is talking to a solicitor and likely to make a compensation claim.
- The company will benefit from maintaining its reputation and public image. Notorious National savage will maintain good will of customers, boost staff moral for maximum production and maintain industrial relation and business reputation.
- Legally, it is expected that both inlenating & national laws regarding workplace health & safety are strictly obeyed & enforced NNG will be not be affected from enforcement action by the authorities or prosecution before courts, which can lead to fine and imprisonment and secure of license to operate.
- It will also help to company to carried out frequent ask assessment. This will help provide enough information about the health and safety status of the company for necessary action to be taken.
- Potential hazards that can cause accident and injuries be quickly identified for safety measures to be part in place to protect lives and property. From the sceneries: Possible hazards such as vibration, noise & hazardous substance was identified and these pose high risk of danger to workers it not controlled.
- It will also provide the opportunity for proper regards on health and safety that will be used for future reference and decision-making to prevent occurrence of incidents and accidents at the workplace and also provide experience on how to manage similar incidence when they occur. From the sceneries it was identify that records of complaint file had only one entry five years ago as well as the health and safety policy file.
- It will help NNG need the expectation of external inspections from the scenario “The inspector will want to see significant improvement in the management of health and safety at notorious National Garage” when high students of health & safety is maintaining, it will send a good signal to inspections on how well leadership are committed to ensuring & safety working environment for workers.
- Again, it will reveal the king of health and Safety culture being practice in the organization. Since a positive health & safety culture being practice in the organization. Since a positive health & safety culture in directly proportional and has a direct influence of safety of workers and productivity, it will help NNG management to measuring in place to practice it.
- It will also cause management and workers to obey safety health and safety regulations and protocol within the organization. This will help minimize or control danger and accidents at the workplace from the scenario: “lots of examples of rule-breaking was witnessed, for example tyres stucked in gangways, forklift tucks and pedestrians in the same area, shelving being overloaded and frequent use of mobile phones while workers are undertaking their risks.
- Developing and maintaining high health and safety standards will help NNG eliminate or reduce days lost due to sickness absence from the scenario: the results is clear from the inspections and investigation of incidents that days lost due to sickness absence recorded thousands of days lost which could have been used for production again from the scenario” Majority of incidents do not set reported”.
Using examples relevant to the scenario, prepare comprehensive notes for your planned meetings with the managing director to explain to them the responsibility placed on the employer by C155 and R164.
The international labour organization developed the occupational safety and health convention c155 and recommendation K164, in 1981. The C155w describes the basic policy for health and safety at both international and individual organization. According to Ko, C155, employers have various responsibilities for protecting employer so that they leave the workplace safe and sound.
Below are some of the responsibilities.
- Provide workplaces and equipment which are safe and pose no risk to health. The workplace should be maintained in safe conditions from the scenario, NNG provided garages, stores, warehouse as well as forklift trucks, warehouse shelves for the operation. Again, NNG is fully equipped with vehicles hoists, spray, painting and welding booths and tye chasing facilities.
- Providing necessary supervision from the Scenario: it was reached that “ Supervisors and managers are rarely seen in the garage or warehouse, they seen to be “front to house” meeting members.
- Provision of appropriate instruction and training to workers from the scenario, the workers supervisor agreed to plan for a meeting with the workers to discuss behaviours” Again” the forklift drive, was told to “ mind their speed” . the operation manager agreed to organize one health and safety meeting from each district area.
- Provision of necessary personal protective clothing and equipment. From the scenario, “one of the office-based workers has a learning impairment. Which is a clean indication that no hearing protective device was provided. From the scenario, “other workers have saw it is only high cause of overtime that worker do leave.
- Employers must ensure that hours of work do not adversely affects employers from the scenario: Like office-based workers work at 08:30 to 17:15 working day, while other workers starts work at 06:00 until 7:00, that covers Saturday and Sundays “these long hours of work can have adverse effect on the health of the workers in employers do not do anything about it.
- Employers must put in place a health and safety arrangement adapted tp suit the size and nature of the working environment from the scenario, it was seen that there is no segregation between forklift trucks and pedestrian activities in the central warehouse” which without control measures put in place, can lead to “forklift truck hitting workers, roller shutter doors, warehouse shelving and even customers vehicles”.
- Take measures to eliminate any extreme physical and mental fatigue. Employers recreational or free hours to give room for workers to take rest and relaxation while at work. According to the scenario, “ the workers have many concerns about health and safety but have no safety representative to raise concern with “many of such concerns can be physical and mental fatigue due to long hours of work time.
- Employers must ensure that the chemical, physical and substances under their control are without risks to health. From the scenario, “considering the operation and service by NNG, Hazards such as “Vibration, noise, fumes from exhaust of trucks and vehicles as well as other hazardous substance are not farfetched within the Garage, but managing these hazads the initial prority by management as state “before looking into”, the aforementioned
- Employers are responsible for developing a health and safety policy. This policy must demonstrate the statement of intent, general and specific arrangements to implement the policy. From NNG several of the facilities tour visits of witnessed lots of examples of rule-breaking” Again the local enforcement officer said the garage does not comply with local or national laws and a prosecution is likely”
- The employer is also held responsible for carrying out a proper standard risk accessment. From the scenario , “risk assessment discovered were not in line with ILO guidance and neither suitable nor sufficient. This was agreed that NNG reviews its organizations health and safety management systems.
What should be considered when selecting competent contractors. Where possible include example relevant to the scenario to illustrate your comments.
Constructors play key roles in the advancement of any organization. Therefore it is a good practice to select a contractor carefully on the bases of the health and safety competences.
The following must be considered
- A copy of their health and safety policy. This will provide an indication of how the contractor management takes kin interest in the health & safety issues from the scenario, “the health and safety policy was signed fine years ago and also the garage does not comply with local or national laws”. The health and safety policy by the contractor will help NNG to do things right.
- Risk assessment conducted and methods used evidence of risk assessment conducted will demonstrate how health and safety issues are concerned with the contractor in ensuring a working in a safe environment. From the scenario, based on the minimal investigation conducted by the manager, he found out that “ the workers (drive) was to blame because insufficient attention was taken when the forklift truck was driven through the open roster shutter door into the warehouse”. It was also seen that the driver was also advised to “mind their speed which isn’t a good health and safety practice.
- Qualification and training records of staff. This is very important as it will help NNG to identify the individual positions and notes played by each staff so that they can be accountable and responsible for what they do. The amount of training provided to the staff will show how experienced and current to health and safety issues.
- Proof of adequate resources, and equipments. Insufficient resource, and equipment.Insufficient resource by any lowers morale and output of workers and feels unsecured at workplace. For example access to specialist safety advice. From the scenario, it was found that workers have no safety representatives to raise concerns with “ and complaints are not listened.
- Previous health and safety performance records. This will provide enough information on the health and safety culture it practices and also how well its health and safety systems work.
- Familiarity with the hazards management. Hazards pose risks to workers, therefore it is important the contractor provides systems to foresee hazards and control before the cause any accidents.
- Accidents history records. Negative health and safety culture results in lots of accidents. The number of accidents recorded by contractor with start period of time depicts leadership commitment in any organization and also how health and safety is managed
- Records of enforcement actions taken by authorities against them. This demonstrated the contractor compiles with both international and national laws of health & safety.
- Records of maintenance and test for plant and equipment. Faulty equipment pose high risks and danger to workers it regular checks and maintenance is not administered.
- Membership of a professional organization or certified body. The qualification of staff of the contractor must have qualification and training certified by well recognized bodies. This helps meets the expectations of customers and quality of services provided.