Big doors hang on small hinges
Big doors hang on small hinges
The majors in life aren’t usually the big things. Many only look after them, and I notice many doing this. To do great things, pay attention to the small details. We’re told to dream big, but to start small for a reason. All great things start small; it’s foolish to despise the small.
Success and failure in life, including marriage, is never accidental. Success or failure in marriage is today’s work. The little things today will grow into big things tomorrow if not taken care of. Kick the bad habit now, or it will kick you! You can suppress what’s inside, but sooner or later it’ll come to the surface. What’s inside must emerge.
Small things matter greatly in life!
Most people suffer long-term pain in relationships because they have been ignoring what I am sharing today: little problems at the beginning.
Some call them “white lies, “but a lie is a lie, and a half-truth is still not true. If you’re covering for someone’s lies, don’t be surprised when they use those same lines on you later. Some people just won’t use their brain and never learn from other people’s experiences.
If they leave their partner for you, they’ll likely leave you for someone else too. If they can do it to others, they can do it to you—it’s just a matter of time. People look past the little things, believing them to be meaningless. In real life, they are the most important. How you treat others is a preview of how you’ll treat me in time.
Pay attention to little things, especially early on in a relationship. Mind you. Every thought, word, or deed plants a seed! Seeds are small, but they hold the promise of a fully grown fruit-bearing tree. We tend to nurture the tree but then throw away the fruits, often too late.
“LITTLE FOXES,” saith the Bible, “SPOIL THE VINE.” You know a slap today can translate into a “5 star premium” beating in marriage tomorrow, right? A cheating spouse is a cheater, plain and simple.
You can play it cool like it’s fine or make excuses like “they’ll change” and you can keep saying “but I love him/her,” but time will tell ????????♂ While you’re tolerating it now, prepare to celebrate it in marriage. Do people change? Yes! How often? Rarely.
About 75% of what you know about someone may remain constant. So, most of you break and then make promises a lot???? (Not what the post is about, however I want to help out, not judge.) You always say you’re going to do things and then don’t. Why say you’ll do something if you won’t? You said, ‘I’ll call you back’ last month, but you haven’t. That’s a lie.
How do you arrange a meeting and not appear or appear exceedingly late, no heads up to inform the individual you will not be appearing because something arose or you’ll be late, no nothing that can be construed as being nonchalant. ????
But when one disrespects the people’s time, he disregards respect for the life of others since time makes life.
Ask yourself why good people who at first are very interested in you end up pulling away from you. Make sure that with your attitudes you aren’t pushing them away.
Getting one to show interest is one thing, holding it is altogether a different thing. End. To have friends, you have to be friendly. They may seem like little things to do, but it makes a huge difference in the quality of your friendships, mainly if you are looking for a spouse.
If I can’t take your word for it, how can I trust you? If I don’t trust you, why be in a relationship? Trust is the cement of a relationship. People will not give you many chances because they take your behavior to be a reflection of who you are. That’s why personal development is a must. Some know everything about others but nothing about themselves; it shouldn’t be that way.
Charm and beauty attract but character and mentality sustain. If the brake spring on a vehicle is displaced it can lead to an accident. Reflect on your small excesses; they are little things, but they make a big difference in your relationship. If you’re apathetic to improving your marriage, go ahead and disregard my advice. I want to help you have a happy marriage with as little distraction as possible.