



  1. Definition
  • A disciple is some one who listen to the teachings of the Master and transforms his/her hearts, thoughts. Speech and Actions to be like the Master and to Make other disciples for the Master.
  • A disciple learns while following:
  1. A disciple is a follower an apprentice to a teacher (Matt 4:19; 9: 9) lk 9:23; Mk 1:17-20 Jn 1:35; Lk 5:33; II Tim 2:2)
  2. He abides in the teachings of his/her teacher in hope that he will be as his teachers (Jn 8:31; 144-6; lk 6:40)
  3. Paul discipled people to follow his example for he followed the example of Jesus Christ (I cor 11:11; 1 Thess 1:6ff; II Tim 2:2)
  • A Disciple is committed to follow Jesus
  1. As Jesus was committed to follow the will of the Father, so the disciple of Jesus must be committed to follow the will of Jesus (Jn 4:34; 5:30; Acts 5:29; Rom 1:14 – 15, Phil 3:13-15)
  • A Disciple goes out:
  1. Jesus was sent out from the Father (Jn 17:18, 20:21)
  2. In the same manner Jesus sent his disciples out into the world. Matt 28:19 – 20; Mk. 16:15; Lk 1:1-2; 10:1ff)
  • A disciple teaches:
  1. Jesus was teacher (Matt: 5: 1 -2; 26 – 55)
  2. A disciple, therefore, must continue the tradition of teaching which began with Jesus and will continue until he comes again (Matt 28:20; Acts 5:42; 8:4; I Tim 4:11; II Tim 2:2; Tit, 3:8)
  • A disciple works daily:
  1. Jesus was a daily worker for the father. Matt 26:55, Lk 19:47
  2. The true disciple therefore, will follow Jesus and work on a daily basis (Lk. 9:23; Acts 2:46-47; 5:42; 16:5; 17:17: 19:9)


  1. The Disciple And his commission:
  2. Reference to “calling” in the New Testament signifies a serious decision one makes in a positive response to the word of God. God calls through his word (II Thess 2:14)
  3. Being called by God into discipleship means a complete denial of oneself and the world, in order to completely submit oneself to the will of God. (Matt. 16:24 – 25; Gal 2:20; Rom 12:1-2)
  4. Being called by the gospel means being chosen to proclaim its message of love to the lost. Every Christian has been called by the gospel and should communicate the gospel to others (II Cor 5:17-20; II pt 2:9-10)
  5. Jesus Chose And Called His Disciples:
  6. Jesus chose and called the original twelve disciples with which he spent the greatest amount of time to teach and train during his earthly ministry (Jn 1:35 – 51; 15:16; LK 5:27 – 28)
  7. Of the multitude of disciples that followed Jesus, he chose twelve to be called Apostle (Lk 6:12-13)
  8. These twelve, Jesus showed special miracles and gave even more time to Peter, James and John (Matt 17:1-9; II pt. 1:16-18) Mk. 5:35 – 43; 14:33)
  9. Through his preaching, Jesus called many others to follow in (Matt 4:19; 8:22; 9:9; 19:21, Mk 8:34; 10:21; Lk 5:27; 9:23; 59; Jn 12:26; 21:19)
  2. The early disciples encourage and taught one another to be better followers of Jesus (Gal 1:ff)
  3. They looked to one another for encouragement and teaching in order to submit to Jesus for direction in life
    1. Barnabas chose Paul when he was first converted (Acts 9:26-27)
    2. Barnabas choose and worked with John Mark (Acts 15:39)
    3. Paul always choose someone to work with him to train and encourage (Acts 15:40; 16:2-3; 20 :4; I Tim 1:3; Titus 1:5)
    4. Paul charged Timothy to choose and instruct faithful men as he had been chosen and instructed (II Tim 2:2)
    5. The early disciples, as Jesus, called all men through the preaching of the word of God to be disciples of Jesus (II Thess 2:14; Matt. 11:28 – 30)


  1. Discipleship
    1. Committed to the will and work of God
  2. Jesus was committed to follow the will and the work of God (the Father) (Jn 4:34; 5:30; 6:38; 8:29; lk 22:42)
  3. He called for the same Commitment to the will and work of God from his disciples (Matt 22:37; Mk 12:30; Lk 9:23; 57 – 62; 14:25 – 35; Jn 8:31-34)
  4. They also called for such commitment from those whom they taught (ITim 4:15; Rom 12:1-2, II Tim. 2:3)


  1. Committed to the word of God
  1. Jesus was committed to the ministry and obedience to the word of God (Jn 6:38; 7:16; 14:10; 24)
  2. He called for his disciples to obediently abide in the word of God. (Jn 5:24; 8:31, 12:48; 14:23, 17:6)
  3. The early disciples were committed to the ministry and obedience to the word of God (Acts 2:42; 4:19-20; 5:42; 6:4; 13:49; 15:35; 19:20)
  4. They called for those whom they discipled to abide in such a commitment (I Tim 4:16; II Tim 3:14; 14:2; Titus 3:8)


  1. Committed to Sacrifice:
  1. Jesus was willing to make all sacrifices in order to accomplish the will of God. (Matt 8:20; Mk 10:45; Lk 18:22; 22:39 – 46; Phil 2:5-11)
  2. He was willing to be made like his Brethren and to expose himself to the same temptation and trials as his Brethren (Jn 1:14; Heb 2:17-18, 4:14-16)
  3. He called on his disciple for the same willingness to sacrifice (matt 10:34-39; Mk1:17 – 20; 8:34 – 38; 10:38-39; Lk 9:23; 57 – 62; 14:25-33)
  4. The early disciples were committed to make all necessary sacrifices in order to accomplish the will of God (Mk 10:28-30; Acts 21:13; 2:20, Phil 2:20 – 22; 29 -30; 3:7-8; II Tim 1:12; 2:20)
  5. They called on those whom they discipled to make the same commitment to sacrifice (Rom 12:1; II Tim 2:3)
  1. Committed to Love:
  1. As his Father loved him, so Jesus committed himself to love his disciples (Jn 3:35; 10:17; 13:1,23; 15:9; Eph 5:2)
  2. He called on his disciples to so love one another (Jn 13:34-35; 15:12-17)
  3. The early disciples loved others as Jesus had loved them. See their expressions of love in (Acts 2:44-45; 4:32 – 35)
  4. They called on those whom they trained to love in such a manner (I cor 13:1-7; Eph 5:2, Col 3:12 – 14; 1Pt. 2:17; 1 Jn 2:7 – 11; 3 : 13 – 18)


  1. Committed to seeking the lost
  1. Jesus was committed to seeking and saving the lost (Matt. 1:21; Mk 1:38; Lk 19:10; ! Tim 1:15)
  2. He called for his disciples to seek and save the lost (Matt 28:19-20; Mk 16:15 – 16; Jn 17:18)
  3. The early disciples of Jesus were committed to seek and save the lost 8:4; 11:19; 15:35; Rom 1:14-15; 9:1-3)
  4. They called on those they taught to seek and save the lost (I thess. 1:6-8; II Tim 4:2; Titus 3:8)


  1. Committed To Serve:
  1. Jesus came to serve (Mk. 10:45)
  2. He called on his disciples to serve one another (Matt. 20:27; Mk 10:43 – 44; Lk. 17:10; Jn 13:14 – 15)
  3. The early disciples served one another (Acts 2:44 – 45; 4:32 – 37)
  4. They called on those whom they taught to serve one another Gal. 5:13; 6:1-2; 10)
  1. Committed to Suffer Persecution and hardship
  1. Jesus was committed to suffer persecution and hardship (Matt. 8:20; Jn 5:16; 15:17 – 20 IIcor. 8:9; phil 2:7-8)
  2. He predicted that his disciples would be persecuted and thus called on them to willingly accept hardship (Matt. 5:10-12; 24:9 mk. 10:30, 38 – 39 ; Lk 21:12 – 14; Jn 15:20)
  3. The early disciples willingly suffered persecution and hardship (Acts 8:1, 11:19; 13:50; 21:10 – 14; !Cor 4:8-13; II Cor 4:11; 12:10; Ga; 5:11; 1 thess 2:15: II thess 3:11, II Tim 2:9 – 13)
  4. They call on those whom they trained to willingly suffer persecution and hardship (Acts 9:16; 14:22; Rom 8:17; II Cor 12:10; 1 Thess 2:14; II Tim 2:3-5,9; 3:12; ! Pt. 4:12 – 13; I Tim 6:17; I Jn 2:15)

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