

TEXT: LUKE 10:38-42

Explanations of some of those terms.
Misplacing simply means short changing the order of approach to doing something. Also, PRIORITY simply means short changing most important to less important. Now let us read our Bible text Luk.10:38-42.

The story will be told in a nutshell of the two sisters, one known as Mary and another one known as her sister Martha, who he also knew. The narration tells about a great encounter that happened between them and Jesus Christ.

Immediately before going into the story, let us have a quick glance at the context and significance of the encounter to the mind.
Luk. 10:42. It runs thus:-But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.


I now humbly sue for your gentle indulgence, and permit yourself to give the strictest attention when, in the prosecuting of this instructive plea, I shall say, “The more we have a rational knowledge of divine things, the more opportunity will there be,

when the Holy-spirit shall breathe into our hearts,” to prize such amazing excellencies of those deep things, and relish the sweetness accompanying them.

Notice here that, whereas the Lord makes new discoveries every day to those who are diligent in learning and receiving from his sacred words some degree of preparation of heart, the heart, now being prepared and opened, does in a great measure facilitate our receiving those discoveries.

It is here that our text presents us with the account of Jesus’ visit to the sisters’ house, Martha’s and Mary’s.

And Martha did all in her power to make a happy time for this significant guest, Christ, while her sister Mary sat down quietly and listened to what He said. Angered and resentful because her sister had left her to do so much work in getting the meal ready, Martha came to Jesus and asked Him to tell Mary to come and lend a hand in serving.


However, Christ rebuked Martha because her priorities were very much misplaced; the things she worried over at that particular time were the wrong ones. He thus imparted, “One thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her.

” In this rich saying, Christ conveys the importance and superiority of the Word of God, that it stands way above earthly desires and other diversions. It focuses on the fact that being involved in

worldly business can indeed be a snare, especially if it ensnares us from listening to God’s voice and receiving those rich gifts that have the potential to enhance our very souls.

  • Exodus 20:3-6. Rom. 1:21-23. Gal. 4:8-9. We need to learn this important truth: once we begin paying attention to other interests and activities above the leading that God gives, those activities become our IDOLS.

We have inadvertently started to short-change our MAKER, and that becomes the serious sin of IDOLATRY, emphasized in Galatians 4:8.

I want to believe that some one is knee in following the discussion so far so good. We can know how,
Satan often tempts us to satisfy our physical needs above the spiritual needs, henceforth ignorantly become IDOLATERS.

But forgetting that Jesus tells us always to put our spiritual needs above the physical needs. He Jesus, in responding to Satan’s temptation, quoted the Scriptures Matt.4:1-11 that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

In stressing this, Jesus maintained the same principle of putting God’s word above physical needs .* Therefore, we the believers are to make, above all things, first the divine assignment.

While it is all equally important, let us not forget or dismiss these essential services we provide as ways to enhance and further the kingdom of God.


Truly, the children of God have a very important job in not impeding or standing in the way of their own absorption and assimilation of His holy word. It is of importance that nothing should be placed above the Holy Directive that God has set for us.

The important thing that should be noted and observed on our part is that whatever priority has not been appropriately dealt with or perceived to be shortchanged, usually sets off a misdirection in a person’s life, be it how much he may think he is being faithful or even when one thinks his faith is strong.

Therefore, it is upon all that have been born anew in the Spirit to be very mindful and responsive to whatever is provided in the written word. A reminder from your regular host, Br. Edward.

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