Food for Thought

Food for thought: Tomorrow is Unknown


What you have grown up into today was not preordained or written on your forehead in any manner, in the same way that the future of a person is not mapped out on their forehead for everyone to witness.

Because of this, it becomes very important that one must be very careful and conscious of the way you relate and associate with the different people that you meet along your life journey.

Jesus was meant to be the KING OF KINGS, yet his humble beginnings found him being born in a simple manger. The scenario shows that it takes more than the ordinary eye to recognize a true KING ???? reigning supreme over all kings, even when he is found in such a lowly place as a manger.

The circumstances of His birth could not and did not hinder His divine assignment or prevent His ultimate rise to glory, and so shall your story unfold in like manner.

Tomorrow is Unknown
Tomorrow is Unknown

God is an expect of making NOBODIES SOMEBODIES.
God possesses the remarkable ability to transform an individual who is wandering, much like the biblical figures of David and Jephthah, into something extraordinary and magnificent, which can be described as a wonder.
God is a specialist in changing situations of barrenness to states of fruitfulness as He did in the incredible lives of

Sarah and Hannah.
God has a wonderful way of transforming people, even those who have done great evil, like murderers, such as Moses and Saul, into mighty instruments of deliverance and salvation for others.

God has the awesome power to change people, an example of which is changing a PROSTITUTE like RAHAB into a SAVIOR.

Everyone of us has a great side, and a not-so-great side. Let all of us, therefore, not focus on mistakes, error or flaws that people have but to look for the good ones and applaud. While it is important for us at the same time to still encourage them towards continuous change for the better in contrast to what they used to be.

Tomorrow is Unknown
Tomorrow is Unknown


  1. Respect everyone even when you disagree with them or you don’t like something particular about them. Value & respect relationships. Not all relationships can bring you money & contract today, others have nothing to offer today but they will make a BIG DIFFERENCE tomorrow.

  2. Learn to offer help either small or big to people. Today, it’s a way of investing into your own future. Someday, if not everyone, just one person will remember your act of kindness and reciprocate, just like in the case of DAVID & JONATHAN.

  3. What will bring shame, libel, demolish, cause pain dent or hurt to others don’t get involved whatever the stakes are.

Tomorrow is Unknown
Tomorrow is Unknown
  1. Learn to give people the benefit of the doubt, make more excuses for people, forgive more, love more, smile more. Be often the first to call or send messages to check up on people and encourage them when they are down, and also push them to rise beyond the usual when they think they have arrived.

  2. Since no one knows what tomorrow will bring upon them, it is best to not experience the pain of eating alone; when you find yourself drinking, it is also best not to drink alone; and when dressing, do not dress alone.

One must build relationships and grow with other people so that, in case you fall, slip, or experience a failure, the people you surround yourself with will be in a better position and able to assist you in rising again, bringing you back to a position of stability and confidence to stand on your feet once more. HOPE I AM MAKING SENSE .?

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