Learning Cycle

Lessons from my father


You will never know the true intention of a woman for you until you put her through these two life tests.

  1. Anger her. Offend her. Create a mild conflict. Respectfully disagree with her or refuse to see things from her perspective. It’s at this point you will get to know what she can do to you when she is angry. It’s at this point you will get to know what she can say to you when she is angry.

Every woman looks nice when they are happy and comfortable. Every woman looks innocent when things are moving fine. The true nature of a woman is revealed in her state of anger. You need to test her and see her limits to know if it’s something you can deal with for a lifetime or not.

Responsibilities a Father Lessons from my father
Responsibilities a Father

You need to know if she forgives quickly or hardly forgives. You need to know whether she’s the type that, when angry, can become so violent as to fight you physically or destroy things. You need to know if she has wisdom for conflict resolution.

All these parameters need to be understudied.

Many a time, you need to create this scenario or drama yourself.

  1. Withdraw giving her money, favors, or paying her bills for some time. In other words, act broke.

You need to know whether she is the kind of woman that can be easily purchased with money. You need to know whether you are the center of her love or your pocket.

All women love money, but then, the woman a man needs is a woman who has self-discipline over money. A woman who has conquered her lust for money. Such women can love a man beyond money.

Responsibilities a Father Lessons from my father
Responsibilities a Father

Men need to learn how to create this hard times in a relationship even before it happens for real.

All it takes is for a woman to act like she’s in love with you for her own convenience, and then when life starts screwing you over, are you gonna get that love? Is she gonna keep treating you like a human being, respecting you, and submitting to you?

These are the only ways you can find out.

Responsibilities a Father Lessons from my father
Responsibilities a Father

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