Postdoctoral researcher CV Template
Postdoctoral researcher CV Template
Cell: 000.000.0000
Motivated team player with a proven track record of meeting deadlines. Ability to problem‐solve under challenging circumstances. Exceptional verbal and written communication skills for a variety of audiences. Eager to learn from superiors and colleagues, while paying close attention to detail. History of building lasting relationships with supervisors, collaborators and co‐workers. Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills. Specialization in sensory testing and statistics with 7+ years of human subject research experience. Critical thinker with a unique breadth of taste and smell research experience testing all stages from infancy through adulthood. Sensory testing experience includes techniques for testing discrimination, preference and pleasantness. Able to perform sophisticated physiological measures, such as heart rate, a proxy for emotional responding. Experience measuring liking by facial coding videotapes using The Observer (Noldus) software and administering a variety of questionnaires using Compusense. Trained in testing fat perception (odor and taste) in milk and pudding samples.
Education, Training and Experience
Monell Chemical Senses Center Philadelphia, PA
Postdoctoral Research Fellow 2010‐present
Trained in sensory testing using psychophysical and physiological techniques; advised by Dr. Johan Lundström
- Projects: milk fat odors and tastes, multisensory (visual‐olfactory) perception, odor perceptual learning
- Collaborated on multiple projects with technicians and visiting scientists from academia as well as industry
- Attended dozens of seminars by experts in chemosensory research, completed 8+ hours in responsible conduct of research training through University of Pennsylvania’s biomedical postdoctoral program
- Learned to present odor stimuli with a custom‐built olfactometer (Lundström et , 2010) operated by the E‐ prime stimulus presentation software (Psychology Software Tools Inc., Sharpsburg, PA)
- Measured and analyzed numerous physiological responses with Powerlab (Adinstruments), familiar with EEG
- Presented literature and research summaries (PowerPoint) during journal clubs and laboratory meetings
Binghamton University
Binghamton, NY
PhD, Behavioral Neuroscience 2010
Thesis: Early ethanol exposure and its effect on ethanol odor responses, consumption of ethanol and learning about ethanol’s aversive properties; advised by Dr. Norman Spear
- Projects: individual predictors of alcohol intake, early alcohol exposure, social flavor learning in adolescents, flavor exposure in fetuses and through nursing
- Instructor of Developmental Psychology (summer, 2006)
- Successfully proposed and obtained research funding (NIAAA 1 F31 AA017339) for dissertation research
- Delivered (oral and poster format) multiple presentations for departmental and conference meetings
- Volunteered in Gerhardstein’s cognitive psychology laboratory; tested infants/children and adults
Binghamton University Binghamton, NY
MA, Psychology 2006
Thesis: Nonassociative and associative learning in the neonatal rat and parallel changes in neurohormone and brain monoamine levels; advised by Dr. Norman Spear
- Projects: early odor/flavor exposure, early odor learning, odors and nursing behavior
- Supervised dozens of undergraduate research assistants, managed a breeding rat colony
- Wrote methods protocols and collaborated extensively on experiments from design through publication
- Learned Statistica and Endnote and enhanced my use of Excel for graphical design
Knox College Galesburg, IL
Thesis: Are hormones alone? The effects of sex and sexual orientation on bodily fluctuating asymmetry; advised by Dr. Heather Hoffmann
- Took courses on research methods and statistics, learned APA style, SPSS and Sigma Plot
- Planned, designed and tested 173 human subjects with questionnaires and anthropometrics
Leadership Experience
Student representative, International Society of Developmental Psychobiology (2007‐2008)
- Assessed student satisfaction; organized “meet the professors” luncheon, planned student social event
Manager of research assistants, laboratory of Dr. Norman Spear (2006‐2010)
- Interviewed and hired research assistants, tracked their performance; settled minor conflicts
President, Psychology Graduate Student Organization (2005‐2007)
- Planned event schedule, submitted proposed budget, analyzed student opinion of faculty up for review or tenure
NAME, S. S., Åhs, F., Lordan, A., & Lundström, J. N. (in preparation). Long‐lasting increases in arousal and sensitivity to odors paired with an aversive stimulus.
NAME, S. S., Gordon, A. R., Olsson, M. J., Lundström, J. N., & Dalton, P. (submitted to Chemical Senses). Mind over age: Social priming and olfactory function.
Åhs, F., NAME, S. S., Gordon, A. R. & Lundström, J. N. (submitted to Nature Neuroscience). Aversive learning increases sensory detection sensitivity.
Gerhardstein, P., Dickerson, K., NAME, S., & Hipp, D. (in press). Early operant learning is unaffected by socio economic status and other demographic factors. Infant Behavior and Development.
Arias, C., Solari, A. C., Mlewski, E. C., NAME, S., Haymal, B., Spear, N. E., & Molina, J. C. (2010). Social isolation and stress related hormones modulate the stimulating effect of ethanol in preweanling rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 211, 64‐70.
NAME, S. S., & Spear, N. E. (2010). Mere odor exposure learning in the rat neonate immediately after birth and 1 day later.
Developmental Psychobiology, 52, 343‐351.
NAME, S. S., & Spear, N. E. (2009). Olfactory learning in the rat immediately after birth: unique salience of first odors. Developmental Psychobiology, 51, 488‐504.
NAME, S. S. (July 22, 2009). Alcohol can harm unborn or nursing babies. Guest Viewpoint published in the Viewpoints section of the Press & Sun Bulletin, Greater Binghamton’s newspaper.
Arias, C., Mlewski, E. C., NAME, S. S., Molina, J. C., & Spear, N. E. (2009). Novelty modulates the stimulating motor effects of ethanol in preweanling rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 92, 448‐456.
NAME, S. S., & Spear, N. E. (2008). Olfactory learning in the rat neonate soon after birth. Dev Psychobio, 50, 554‐565.
NAME, S. S., Hoffmann, H. L., & Mustanski, B. S. (2008). Fluctuating asymmetry and sexual orientation in men and women. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 37, 150‐157.
NAME, S. S., & Urcelay, G. P. (2007). The central amygdala joins the lateral amygdala in the fear memory party. The Journal of Neuroscience, 27, 2151‐2152.
Pautassi, R. M., Sanders, S., NAME, S., Spear, N. E. & Molina, J. C. (2006). Early ethanol’s anxiolytic effects assessed through an unconditional stimulus revaluation procedure. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 30, 448‐459.
Selected Poster Presentations
- S. NAME, S. Finkbeiner, A. Silva‐Garcia, D. R. Reed, & J. A. Mennella (2011, April). How the sensory world of children differs from adults: sweets, salt and fat. Association for Chemoreception Sciences.
- S. NAME, C. A. Arias, & N. E. Spear (2008, November). Baseline locomotor activity and prenatal ethanol predict ethanol intake in preweanling heterogeneous rats. International Society for Developmental Psychobiology.
- S. NAME, C. Arias, J. C. Molina, and N. E. Spear (2007, November). Breathing rate response to ethanol and a novel odor after prenatal exposure to ethanol in one‐ and thirteen‐day‐old rats. International Society for Developmental Psychobiology.
NAME, S., Shroff, G., Gerhardstein, P. C., Zack, E., O’Brien, E., Barr, R. F. (2007, March). Imitation from Touchscreens by 9‐ and 15‐month‐olds. Society for Research in Child Development.
NAME, S. S. & Spear, N. E. (2006, October). Associative and nonassociative learning soon after birth. International Society for Developmental Psychobiology.