Food for Thought

When a Man Truly and Deeply love you (pt2)

When a Man Truly and Deeply love you (pt2)

One clear indication that a man is beginning to fall in love with a woman is the way he shows keen interest by really listening intently to everything she says, no matter how silly or absurd it might sound sometimes, or how dull and uninteresting the topic may seem to be.

But perhaps more than that, it’s because he really does understand the significance of those utterly banal, even silly little interactions; he knows exactly how much they are worth, and would hesitate at nothing to continue them unbroken, if possible.

When a Man Truly and Deeply loves you (pt1)
When a Man Truly and Deeply loves you (pt1)
  1. He always makes time to talk with you: There’s a very famous quote which says, “Everybody’s busy in their life unless the situation or a person comes whom they love to spend time with above everyone and everything else.” It occurs in this case, too.

One more obvious reason why he has deep feelings for you is that he purposely creates time not just talking with you but being with you and experiencing things with you.

So, if you find him struggling to get in touch with you, going out of his way to call you despite his busy schedule at work that keeps him occupied, sending you a quick text message during his busy meetings, and

generally doing his best to make time to check in and hear from you, these are clear signs that he might be interested in something more serious and meaningful than just a fling.

  1. The nature of sex has changed and gone beyond being just a physical act: How does it feel when he leads you to bed? Does it feel like a wild and turbulent race to the finish line, or does it feel like he is taking his time to enjoy it with you?
When a Man Truly and Deeply loves you (pt1)
When a Man Truly and Deeply loves you (pt1)

One of the signs that a man is falling in love would be that the physical activity becomes much more intense; it is no longer about getting off but an activity that aims to establish a deep emotional connection with you.

He prefers making love rather than just having sex with you. Now, that he is attuned more to your physical needs than ever before in bed. He would do just about anything to satisfy you.

  1. He is no longer afraid of eye contact: One of the quickest ways to know if a man is falling in love with you is to note the frequency and quality of his non-verbal communication. Things like making deep and meaningful eye contact can subtly let you in on what he truly feels.

Mere eye contact is not enough. If he makes these contacts when having a serious conversation or during sex (when he is being vulnerable), it could be a sign that he has opened his heart up to you.

When a Man Truly and Deeply loves you (pt1)
When a Man Truly and Deeply loves you (pt1)
  1. His undivided attention is always on you: The moment you step into a room filled with many people, he will find you in the middle of the crowd and instinctively gravitate toward you. When you see that his attention is always fixed on you, then that is a clear sign that a man is starting to fall deeply in love with you.

  2. You’ve gotten to meet the significant people in his life: One clear-cut indication that a man is falling in love with you is that he does not feel hesitant or ashamed to introduce you to the people that matter most to him.

While these meetings may not be recognized as ‘official’ by some, it cannot be denied that they did occur and that they are indeed significant.

Therefore, you should think about and analyze the different stakeholders in his life whom you have been able to encounter. Have you been able to meet his parents, his siblings, as well as other people who are considered to be his close friends?

This may be his way of trying to let you know that he sees himself committing to something much bigger and more meaningful with you.

When a Man Truly and Deeply loves you (pt1)
When a Man Truly and Deeply loves you (pt1)
  1. He is interested in your life: When a man falls in love with you, one of the important guy falling in love signs is his real interest in your life. It goes beyond mere curiosity; he wants to know about your passions, your struggles, and your day-to-day experiences.

He remembers small details of your conversation, asks how your day went, and is very enthusiastic about your interests and hobbies. This deep interest is basically anchored on the psychological pointers that expose when a man has really fallen in love.

In such a state, he places considerable importance not only on the relationship that you both share but also on your unique identity as a person. This deep connection is a meaningful expression of how he perceives and recognizes that your world holds just as much importance to him as his own personal world does.

  1. Healthy doses of jealousy: A little bit of jealousy can be one of the psychological pointers that a man is really in love. A distinction must be drawn between possessive or unhealthy forms of jealousy and the more occasional, mild sense of jealousy that could occur when a man is deeply involved in a love relationship.
When a Man Truly and Deeply loves you (pt1)
When a Man Truly and Deeply loves you (pt1)

This type of jealousy will mostly revolve around his deep-seated fear of losing something very precious to him—that is, the relationship he shares with you. It has to be noted here that this type of jealousy is less about his wanting to control your actions and more about his anxiety in the thought of losing you.

It usually comes on very gently and thoughtfully, similar to his feeling slightly uncomfortable if you are spending much time with someone else. Yet he also shows high regard for your freedom and independence here.

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